Cockie capers in Kakadu
Today we said goodbye to the capital of the Never Never and (my word processor wants to make this Never Never Land!) headed to Katherine where we did a bit of shopping, got petrol and had a coffee under the shade of the trees in the park then we continued on to our next stopover at Jabiru in Kakadu National Park. I took over the driving from there but after about an hour of very winding roads I had to pull over and hand the wheel to Fin since my right arm which has been bothering me for a long time but I tried to ignore it was getting quite sore. Who would have known that the road to Kakadu was so un-straight! Actually, it got that way once we took the turn off at Pine Creek but was OK before that except for the occasional slow driver who held us back a little. 
We didn’t realize that we would be driving through a large part of Kakadu National Park to get to Jabiru where we are staying. It was not like we expected at all but I guess we all see the wetlands part of it in photos etc. The vegetation is interesting from the road but not remarkable as such. There were quite a few burnt areas but the information book we got says that they do burns at this time of year to avoid wildfires at other times as it is the natural way the aboriginals have done it for many years.

We didn’t realize that we would be driving through a large part of Kakadu National Park to get to Jabiru where we are staying. It was not like we expected at all but I guess we all see the wetlands part of it in photos etc. The vegetation is interesting from the road but not remarkable as such. There were quite a few burnt areas but the information book we got says that they do burns at this time of year to avoid wildfires at other times as it is the natural way the aboriginals have done it for many years.
Our resort is huge! We are in an upstairs room and there is a lawn behind us with big trees all around. There is a lot of wildlife around the resort since it is within the national park and you are advised not to feed it so it remains wild and you remain safe. There was a
cacophony of noise from outside on the lawn and in the nearby tree and, going out onto the balcony to investigate, we saw some parrots which are actually Little Corellas that were behaving in the most amusing and unusual way. They were digging holes in the lawn and putting their heads down into them, seemingly to retrieve something to eat; maybe roots of the lawn. The ones in the tree were hanging upside down and squawking loudly as if to get everyone to notice them but actually trying to get a leaf off the tree I think and some were lying upside down on the grass with their feet in the air. It was so funny; they even seemed to rough and tumble with each other like kittens. We were entranced by their behaviour and I swear occasionally I would catch one looking up at us as if to say are you getting all this? I took so many photos because they were just so funny and different to anything either of us had seen before. Later when walking back from the reception area there was a small wallaby grazing on the grass just near the path that just hopped a little away from us as we passed. 

The good news is that although there are no mobile phones here so no Vodafone internet, we can use our Optus dial-up as a local call as was promised so we are happy with that.
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