Kings Park
Today Fin washed our filthy car which took quite a while since the bugs that kamikazied onto it were stuck well and it took a lot of elbow grease to get it off. I used the phone line in the caravan park here to upload yesterday’s BLOG then after lunch we went to Kings Park and Botanic Gardens to see if there were any more bodies buried there.
After dinner at a really good Chinese restaurant that Fin found by chance last time we were here because he wanted to know where the station is for when we go on the Indian Pacific we went back to Kings Park to see if we could get some interesting photos of the city lights. We drove into the street, again by chance, that had lights shining up on some magnificent white trunked eucalyptus trees so they got photographed as well. I was a bit disappointed with the amount of reflection on the river since I expected more since Perth is along the Swan but the tall buildings are not close enough to the water to give a really good effect. You can see what I did manage from the photos anyway. The War Memorial is lit up at night too but the park itself is quite dark in parts but it was still nice to take a walk along and look over the city and river in the dark.
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