Thursday, 4 October 2007


Well, now we have been home a few days and had time to take on Vodafone by phone to try to sort out the problem which took a while as we knew it would; we have got a new USB modem to replace our faulty one. Yes, it was faulty and that is why we couldn't connect for so much of our trip.

After waiting a while in the shop where we purchased the modem so the salesman could check that it was OK to just give us a swapover and not send it away for repair, we got a replacement. I plugged it in and within minutes it was connected! I was in total shock and so was Fin. If only they could have replaced it initially and saved us the anguish and time.
Now all we have to do is sort out our bills since we paid for a service that we didn't get for over a month!

Life is certainly busy now that we are back from travelling and we haven't even gone back to work yet!!

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